Our firm

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

We want our employees to challenge the ordinary and find great ideas. To achieve this, we depend on a workforce with a diverse mindset that contributes with different backgrounds and perspectives. Workforce diversity and inclusion are, therefore, key components in maintaining our strategic goals. Our Diversity & Inclusion Policy sets out that diversity and inclusion shall be integral parts of all aspects of our human resources work and is also meant as a guide to how we all are expected to behave to keep an inclusive workplace.

Our Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Statement for the financial year 2023 provides a summary of our initiatives and efforts towards promoting gender equality, combating discrimination, and the status of gender parity and compensation in 2023.


1.1 This policy applies for all employees in Pareto Securities AS with subsidiaries and branches (“Pareto Securities”). The policy is based on applicable anti-discrimination, corporate and securities market regulations.

1.2 The policy should be implemented in all human resources processes taking place in Pareto Securities. In case of specific regulations in any branch or subsidiary, such branch or subsidiary shall take specific measures. The human resources management shall on an ongoing basis and/or when required ensure that management and employees are aware of the principles within this policy and that it is reflected in the daily work.

1.3 The policy is also meant as a guide on how our employees are expected to treat each other. In short, we have zero tolerance for discrimination or harassment.

1.4 Equality and diversity affect all employees. Accordingly, each head of department is responsible for working actively with equality and diversity issues on a daily basis as well as within recruitment processes and the composition of working groups.


2.1 People with the same background tend to think the alike and share the same preferences. To grow and prosper, a knowledge organization needs different perspectives, ideas and insights – and a variety of skills and cultural references both within management and amongst all employees. If we just recruit people with similar backgrounds, we will loose a lot of talent.

2.2 We will seek to recruit and maintain a diverse workforce with a global mindset. Differences in background should not limit a candidate’s possibility to be recruited and excel in Pareto Securities, no matter their:

  • Age
  • Disabilities
  • Education
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Gender identity or gender expression
  • Nationality
  • Religion
  • Sexual orientation

2.3 On the contrary, such differences should be looked upon as a strength for the organization.

Pareto Securities is made of people. Our success is not a result of margins or interests on capital, but a yield on bright ideas from talented individuals. 

Christian Jomaas, Chief Executive Officer 


3.1 To secure that all colleagues are welcomed, valued, respected and heard, we shall: 

Treat colleagues with fairness and respect, irrespectively of background. We have a flat organizational structure. We particularly expect senior staff to adhere to high standards and to set good examples by being inclusive.  

Consider our choice of words. Bear in mind how we talk to and about colleagues as well as clients. What one person considers a joke or friendly banter may not be perceived as such by everyone. 

Do what we can to make colleagues feel valued and belonging to a community. This may involve giving specific feedback in a positive manner on colleagues’ ideas and include persons in social settings. 

Maximize joy and connection, minimize fear. People are wired to react with fear and distrust when their beliefs are challenged. While fear can be a powerful motivator, it also encourage people to narrow their perspective – the opposite desired effect for creating a more inclusive workplace. Findings ways to frame challenges through a lens of possibility creates greater potential for positive change. 

Do what we can to keep internal dialogue open and safe. The information flow in an investment bank is to some degree limited because information must stay “behind the Chinese wall” or may involve personal data. Within these limitations the internal dialogue in Pareto Securities should be as open as possible. This both encourages information flow that help us develop our business and ensures that new ideas from different people come to the surface. A requirement for an open dialog is safety: Everyone should feel safe to speak up and bring issues to the floor without fear of embarrassment or retaliation. Shaming and retaliation is not tolerated in Pareto Securities. 


4.1 Pareto Securities aims to recruit the most suitable candidates for each available position, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or disabilities.

4.2 Gender balance is an important factor to set the right teams and fill positions with the best candidates on all levels of the organization, management and within all business areas. To this end, Pareto Securities will seek to strengthen the organization’s gender balance by, inter alia, doing internal transfers or recruitment, including to management levels.

4.3 We will also seek a balanced age, education and nationality balance among our employees.


5.1 We aim to ensure that our employees are treated equally, including ensuring that remuneration decisions are made on fair and un-biased basis.

5.2 Our remuneration policies are based on several factors, where long-term commitment, a risk-balanced attitude, client focus, contribution to the development of Pareto Securities, loyalty and teamwork are core.


6.1 The prevention, detection and reporting of possible discirimination or harassment is the responsibility of all employees throughout Pareto Securities.

6.2 If you become aware or suspect that an activity or conduct which is proposed or has taken place involves discrimination or harassment, you have a right and a duty to report this.

6.3 You may report anonymously through Pareto Securities’ external whistleblowing service. More information about the procedures can by found on our Intranet.